This grammar quiz will help you to practise Narrative Tenses - you'll use ALL the past tenses in English! Indrajith ___________ (dance) all day. 0. Or if you really want to use the verb see then just switch the tense. Past Perfect Continuous Tense represents an ongoing action that started and continued for some time in the past. Grammar. For the result, use "would have + past participle", "could have + past participle", or "might/may have + past participle". One of them is to use the word "if" in the clause that expresses the condition. In general, you can't replace passive present perfect continuous by any other tense (for some sentences, you can). It is used to express the 'idea' that an action/event is predicted, planned, promised, expected or obliged to have been being continued at some certain time in the future or while another action/event happens later in the future. Present continuous conditional - function. We use it in the main clause in type III of the if clauses. Did you live in England last year? Download my infographic! If you stopped 100 native English . The simple tenses talks about routines or habits, give us information, or make predictions. ; He hadn't been studying for 5 months before he returned to the university from a sabbatical leave. A sense of time reference is found which gives an idea that action . I walk on the street. As pertains to all compound tenses, remember your ground rules for choosing the appropriate auxiliary verb: Most transitive verbs use the auxiliary verb avere; some intransitive verbs . Present Perfect Continuous Examples: Affirmative These are some examples of affirmative sentences with the Present Perfect Continuous I have been studying English I have been running a lot I have been practicing my French She has been talking to me She has been praying a lot She has been doing exercises He has been making progress Derrick had been working at the hospital for over two years before he left for Spain. She has been discussing a very interesting topic. They ate breakfast this morning. For stative verbs, we can only use the past simple or past perfect tenses. Today, English Awesome will share a specific way to help you better understand the present continuous including its structure, usage, and signs, as well as help you understand the present continuous in 12 English in general. 4. It is used to express the 'idea' that in the past an action/event was predicted, planned, promised, expected or obliged to be happening (being continued) in a certain period in the future of past, or while simultaneously another action/event happened or was also happening (being continued) in the same period in . 2. These 50 examples will help you a lot to master the future perfect continuous tense. Form would + have + been + infinitive + ing 3. Estara leyendo en el jardn si no . This form with a future result clause makes it a mixed conditional, not a first conditional.). 1. If I am playing football, I will be healthy If I have played football, I will be tired. The continuous tense is formed with the verb 'be' + -ing form of the verb. Present Perfect Continuous tense represents the work which started in the past and is still running. )" Using the Tense to Show Completion Examples in the if-clause: If I had been talking to him when he said that, I would have punched him in the face. Some examples of present perfect tense are - I have watched this movie before, He has completed his homework. The Future Perfect Next week this time, I will have sold that book, madam. She wouldn't have been studying without my help. Consider . Click here to learn more. There has been an accident. Check if you used the tense correctly from the answers given below: 1. Here are 50 examples of past perfect continuous tense: My dog had been barking at the mailman for five minutes before he finally left. The Future Perfect and the Conditional Perfect 2. We use the present perfect continuous to show that something started in the past and has continued up until now. However, other tenses can be used. I ____________ (watch) this movie for two hours. If we had run faster, we would have arrived earlier. Examples: They have been talking for the last hour. because that doesn't mean the same thing at all. Some examples of present perfect tense used to express an unfinished period of time are: We haven't seen her today. Tom has been walking for an hour. Use of the Conditional Perfect. Definition: The Future Perfect Continuous Tense is used for actions which will be in progress over a period of time that will end in the future. The teacher has not been coming to school for three days. Future Imperfect Continuous Tense. He has been running for two hours. The earlier actions take the perfect tenses, and the later actions take simple tenses. I would be reading in the garden if it didn't rain. 8. We can also use present perfect verb tense in the if-clause of a first conditional sentence. The boy makes a noise. You drive your car fast. The girls have been cooking the food since last three weeks. 1. present tense, for example in conditional or if sentences, or to talk about the future. Example I would have been studying medicine, if there had been a place. 2. The present perfect continuous is formed using the construction has/have been + the present participle (root + -ing). Subject + will be + present participle (and "-ing" to end of the verb) The future progressive is used to express: future actions in progress I will be finishing college next year. She will have been making noises for 10 minutes. The type 3 conditional is used to refer to a time that is in the past, and a situation that is contrary to reality. Example It also describes a process that has taken place or is still taking place and that has an effect on . I would faint if I ever met Brad Pitt. Here are some more examples of verbs that are not usually used with the present perfect continuous tense: Belong. Ready to practice? 2. Sam ____________ (ask) for you. She has been working at that company for three years. I have been reading Arabian Nights for many days. Past perfect continuous tense. 2. Form would + have + past participle past participle ( infinitive + -ed) or ( 3rd column of the table of the irregular verbs) 3. Examples. First conditional Imperatives in the first conditional . You can't replace it with: That bridge has been repaired for the past ten years. It is common to use the present simple with the first conditional. Finally, the perfect tenses talk about earlier actions followed by later actions. The girl has been waiting for her friend since morning. ; I hadn't been training every day, so my results were very poor. The Spanish continuous conditional tense is used to mention actions that you would be continuously doing in certain situations. Conditional Perfect Progressive 1. 3. I didn't play the drums yesterday. It is basically the main clause in a Third Conditional type sentence. Examples: The boys have been living in this city for 10 years. The facts they are based on are the opposite of what is expressed. 2. The Use of the Future Perfect The future perfect is used to express an action which will have occurred by a certain point in time. There are four other perfect tenses in the indicative: the present perfect, the past perfect, the preterite perfect, and the future perfect. The puddles of water made it clear it had been raining all night. Let's see the 50 useful examples of the present perfect continuous tense: The boy has been standing at the door since afternoon. Function. He will have been doing this since 2025. Si estuviera aqu estara limpiando. They are made using different English verb tenses. Second conditional The second conditional is used to describe something that isn't likely to take place, and describes a situation that is different from reality. Los principales usos del condicional continuo son: 1 Para formar las oraciones condicionales hipotticas o de tipo 2 (el verbo de la oracin subordinada ir en pasado simple). If -present perfect Read more about the conditional in this article. 1. "I 've been waiting for the bus for 30 minutes now.". Form This tense is composed of two elements: the perfect conditional of the verb 'to be' (would have been) + the present participle (base+ing). What I don't understand is under what circumstances should we use the last two cases. . In Future Perfect Continuous Tense, we use shall have been with I & We and will have been with He, She, It, You, They and nouns plus since/for with the time. There are many different ways to express "conditional" or "hypothetical" meaning in English. Here is an example in English: I guessed you would be eating custard tarts and scones for breakfast. Grammar. I have been writing articles on different topics since morning. The future perfect continuous consists of will + have + been + the verb's present participle (verb root + -ing) . Tense table: Find affirmative, negative and interrogative examples of present, past, future and conditional tense with simple, continuous, perfect and perfect continuous forms. 4. He has broken his leg. Function This tense can be used in Type 3 conditional sentences. Learn how to use the future perfect tense in English with this fun and easy-to-understand video. The continuous tenses talk about actions that continue over time. The word "when" can often replace the word "if" in the Zero Conditional without changing the meaning. We must use when in the if-clause to clearly express the future time of the situation in that if-clause. . They wash their clothes. Regular Conditional Forms. No habra estado estudiando sin mi ayuda. If he were here he would be cleaning. 2. If verb is in Past Tense, and reported speech is in Future Perfect Tense, will have changes into would have & shall have changes into should have. We have not been going to the movies for one month. The conditional perfect is used chiefly in the main clause (apodosis) of "third conditional" (or sometimes "mixed conditional") sentences, as described under English conditional sentences. Examples: You would have got [ten] more money if you had worked harder. 9. I could tell my sister had been crying because her eyes were red and puffy. Theena had been singing for an hour before her mom arrived. verb + ed. IF. The First Conditional: (if + present simple, . a spanish verb has nine indicative tenseswith more-or-less direct english equivalents: the present tense('i walk'), the preterite ('i walked'), the imperfect ('i was walking' or 'i used to walk'), the present perfect('i have walked'), the past perfect also called the pluperfect ('i had walked'), the future ('i will walk'), the future perfect('i For five minutes, for two weeks, and since Tuesday are all durations which can be used with the present perfect continuous. You will learn about those later. Based on what I understood so far, if.had (past perfect tense) is used for past-unreal construction. This tense can be used in Type 3 conditional sentences. The present perfect continuous tense expresses an action that has been started in the past and continues to the present. The future perfect continuous, also sometimes called the future perfect progressive, is a verb tense that describes actions that will continue up until a point in the future. We had been working for hours when we finally stopped for the night. Mary decided to buy a new juicer because her old one hadn't been working for years. Si yo hubiera estudiado ms, habra aprobado . We use Past Perfect Continuous to ask and answer questions about actions or events that started in the . It uses auxiliary verb and past participle for the main verb i.e. There are four main kinds of conditionals: The Zero Conditional: (if + present simple, . The action/event can refer to an action/event which started in the past or . The Spanish conditional tense is formed much like the Spanish simple future tense.Both regular and irregular verbs use the same set of endings, and any stems that are irregular in the simple future are also irregular in the conditional.. For example: "If you miss the bus, you will be late for work." An important thing to remember is that the first conditional uses the simple future tense to describe what will happen. The present simple is often used with first conditional sentences. And it has given a few examples: If I play football, I will be healthy. . 1. In type 3 conditional sentences, the time is the past and the situation is hypothetical. Past Future Continuous Tense. The result part of the sentence is then written in the " would + infinitive verb " form; this is called the present conditional tense. The conditional perfect (condicional compuesto en espaol) is used in the same situations as the conditional simple with the exception that the conditional perfect refers to actions that would have happened but did not because of specific actions/events.The equivalent in English of the conditional perfect is the infinitive would have and the . It refers to the unfulfilled result of the action in the if-clause, and expresses this result as an unfinished or continuous action.Again, there is always an unspoken "but.." phrase: If the weather had been better (but it wasn't), I'd have been sitting in the garden when he arrived (but I wasn't and so I didn't see him). The condition is expressed in another tense called Past Perfect Subjunctive (Click here to learn thats tense), and what would have happened then is expressed in Conditional Perfect:. The moon has been shining in the sky since night. It rains in June in India. It expresses an unfinished or continuing action or situation, which is the probable result of an unreal condition: I would be working in Italy if I spoke Italian. This is your grammar practice with Past Simple, Past Continuous , Past Perfect, Past Perfect Continuous . . The sun shines during the day. The Type 1 Conditional refers to a present or future real situationi.e., a possible condition and its likely result. Here are some examples of when we might use an unreal conditional for a highly unlikely thing. The present perfect in the if -clause of a sentence in the first conditional emphasises that one action depends on the completion of another: If I've finished writing my paper by tonight, I'll go out with my friends. You will mostly use the present perfect in daily conversation while talking about some . We bring vegetables from the mall. This is typically the past, but not always, such as hypothetical situations (I wish I had more time. The past perfect continuous tense is used to describe an action that began and was still in progress in the past before another past action started. "If he had been given a good mark, he would have told me. We use a past form of a verb or add -ed to refer to a time that is NOT the present-future. If (or When) the temperature rises, the body perspires to release heat. Which of the following uses the past perfect continuous tense . Examples of Simple Present Tense (Affirmative Sentences) 1. Present Perfect Continuous Verb Tense: Yes/No Questions May 1 . 7. (but I don't speak Italian, so I am not working in Italy. They have been living in this town for many years. In Sidney Greenbaum and Gerald Nelson's "An Introduction to English Grammar," the authors give these examples: "If we had been there yesterday, we would have seen them. There are two ways to form the type 3 conditional: If + past perfect verb, perfect conditional (would + have + past participle) or If + past perfect verb, perfect continuous conditional (would + have + been + -ing verb) To differentiate between perfect conditional and perfect continuous conditional again depends on context. Examples to work, Past continuous conditional 2. The future perfect and the conditional perfect 1. I have learned the first one in school but I have not yet encountered the second and the last one. 3. By next Thursday, I will have been working on this project for three years. (But it seems that he was not given a good mark. If you resolved to be diligent in your studies, you would succeed in college. The perfect or past conditional is conjugated by combining the present conditional of the auxiliary verb you are using and the past participle of your main verb. At the same time, detailed analysis examples and practice exercises will help you . Again, there is always an unspoken "but.." phrase. We have seen this movie already. I don't think the place had been functioning well for a very long time before it shut down. There are 8 example sentences for the Conditional Perfect Progressive Tense (volume 17 of 17. Use of the Conditional Perfect Progressive We use it for something that might have happened in the past. But I wasn't talking to him when he said that. B. This is because it is not an ongoing process or action but a permanent state. 3. There will be a time reference, such as "since 1980, for three hours" from which the action will start in future and will continue. Definition of Present Perfect Continuous Tense. Uses of the Conditional Perfect Tense in Spanish. The condition is in the past perfect tense. 5. The phrase 'would be eating' is the continuous conditional tense being used in English. He plays hockey in the park. To indicate time reference "for" and "since" are used and it describes when the action started and how long it continued in the past. Examples of Present Perfect Continuous Tense. Future Perfect Continuous Tense I will have been doing Many English learners worry too much about tense. That bridge has been being repaired for the past ten years. present simple) If you heat water to 100 degrees, it boils. For example: I would answer if he called. 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