[intro] g d em d [verse 1] g d em i'm gonna pick up the pieces, d g and build a lego house d em d when things go wrong we can knock it down g d em my three words have two meanings, d g there's. G D Em . Listen carefully to the song to understand the rhythm. C Am I'm gonna pick up the pieces, G C and build a lego house G Am (Am7) if things go wrong we can knock it down C Am My three words have two meanings, G C there's one thing on my mind G Am G It's all for you C Am G And it's dark in a cold December, but I've got . Song: Lego House by Ed Sheeran Skilled How to read chord charts? G#m My three words have two meanings, E B But there's one thing on my mind, F# G#m F# It's all for you. 6 contributors total last edit on Jul 18 2020. Bridge: B And it's dark in a cold December, but I've got you to F# keep me war G#m m F#. C Let's C say we up and F left this town. Chords: G D Em CStrum:Chorus: DDUUDUVerse: DUXUDI've gotten a lot of subscribers lately, so I just wanted to say thank you :-)Instagram: notsandy I'll cure you of F disease. Chords and tablature aggregator - Tabstabs.com. I'll pick you up when you're get B ting do F# wn. Lego_House - Ed Sheeran | chordtabs.in.th Lego_House Ed Sheeran It's all fooor you hm-hm [Pre-Chorus] G D Em D . Guitar Chords, Ukulele Chords and Guitar Tab for newbies, amateur and general musician. It's exactly what Ed plays. . I'll put you on the C map. Chords [Intro] G D Em D [Verse] G D Em . Biography: Other songs: A Maccabees Medley ; Aaliyah ; Airam Lopez . g d em i'm gonna pick up the pieces, d g and build a lego house d em d when things go wrong we can knock it down g d em my three words have two meanings, d g there's one thing on my mind d em d it's all for you g d em d and it's dark in a cold december, but i've got ya to keep me warm g d em and if you're broke i'll mend ya and keep you sheltered B and it's so hard to s f# ay it b g#m ut i've been here. [Chorus] G I'm out of touch, I'm D out of Em love. ED SHEERAN - LEGO HOUSE UKULELE CHORDS Ed Sheeran - Lego house ver. 1) Ed Sheeran Song versions: Tabs Chords Bass Ukulele Lego House (Acoustic) Ed Sheeran This version is 100% correct. Lego House in ukulele acoustic version maybe one of your loved song. Chords Songs 3 years ago 646 + (2011) Ed Sheeran EN. when things go wrong we can knock it down . EN. Tabs and chords for ukulele of Lego House by Ed Sheeran at PlayUkuleleNET, a 100% free source of favorite ukulele songs! Chord,Tablature, lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele song: Lego House - Ed Sheeran - ( This is how Ed plays this song live when on the canal boa.) E-mail: admin@chordcafe.com. My three words have two meanings, D G . 1 Autoscroll 1 Column Text size Transpose 0 Capo on 4th I'm gonna pick up t he pi eces, and bu ild a lego ho use when things go wr ong we can kn ock it down My three words have t wo me anings, there's one thing on my m ind It's all fo r you Lego House Guitar Chords/Lyrics; Lego House Ukulele; Lego House Guitar Chords/Lyrics; View Similar Browse By Style. Lego House Ukulele Chords Need a new ukulele? Listen carefully to the song to understand the rhythm. Learn Lego House sheet music in minutes. We'll C make pretend that F C Am I'm gonna pick up the pieces, G C and build a lego house G Am (Am7) if things go wrong we can knock it down C Am My three words have two meanings, G C there's one thing on my mind G Am G It's all for you C Am G And it's dark in a cold December, but I've got you to keep me warm C Am and if you're broken I'll mend you and keep you sheltered . and build a lego house . G And it's dark in a cold December, but I've got ya to D keep me Em warm D. and G if you're broke I'll mend. I'll pick you up when you're G getting D down. F# If things go wrong G#m E B We can knock it down. Lego House I'm gonna pick up the pieces, And build a Lego house If things go wrong we can knock it down My three words have two meanings, There's one thing on my mind It's all for you And it's dark in a cold December, but I've got you to keep me warm If you're broken I will mend you and I'll keep you sheltered from the storm that's raging on now Ukulele chords and tabs for "Lego House" by Ed Sheeran . And out of all the G/B se things I' C ve. Chords: Hi there :) Ed Sheeran - Lego House Capo on 4th Intro: G, D, Em, D G D Em I'm gonna pick up the pieces, D G and build a lego house D Em D when things go wrong we can knock it down G D Em My three words have two meanings, D G there's one thing on my mind D Em D It's all for you G D Em D And it's dark in a cold December, but I've got ya . UKULELE UKULELE LEFT BARITONE BARITONE LEFT GUITAR MANDOLIN remove these ads UKULELE CHORDS reset Autoscroller Transposer Color Text Height Quite a difficult song when it comes to the strumming. All the other songs have wither the wrong chords, or having the chords in the wrong positions. D Em D . Ukulele chords for Lego House by Ed Sheeran. Lego House Ukulele (ver. I love the site the G-Plus Songs . Bass. And Am turned our future G upside-down. FREE chords & lyrics: https://drive.google.com/file/d/16tw90TjvM3PUeJYpDn9TqLvOpKRfX7W9/view?usp=sharingMY VLOG CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLA. . We have an official Lego House tab made by UG professional guitarists. This one has no problems. Soprano Concert Tenor Or gadget? Song versions: Tabs. Rock; Blues; Jazz; Country; Folk; R&B; Testimonials. recorded by exile (capo on 2) intro. : (g) x 8 bars (g) somewhere in the night, i (c) fell in love with (g) you i wandered through my (em) dreams and you (am) stole away my (d) blues (g) all of a sudden a (bm) brand new feelin' (c) opened up in- (c#dim) side me and i (g) don't know (f#m) wether to (em) jump through the (c) roof or (am) break my Yeah .. this mus Allright . B If you're broken I will mend ya and keep you she F# ltered from t G#m he storm that's raging F# on, now. Not only enjoying the song but you can play "Lego House by Ed Sheeran" using ukulele too. Tuner Chord Charts ScalesModes and lessons for beginnersWere the largest community of ukulele players worldwide Never give up the uke fight. Find the best version for your choice. (ver. that's raging D on. G D Em I'm gonna pick up the pieces, D G and build a lego house D Em G when things go wrong we can knock it down G D Em My three words have two meanings, D G there's one thing on my mind D Em G It's all for you G D Em G And it's dark in a cold December, but I've got ya to keep me warm G D . Download Ed Sheeran Lego House sheet music notes and printable PDF score is arranged for Ukulele. D Em D . Hook: B I'm out of touch, I'm F# out of love G#m. G | g/f# em | cadd9 g | g g/f# em cadd9 i'm gonna pick up the pieces, and build a lego house g g/f# em cadd9 when things go wrong we can knock it. English ; Spanish (Espaol) Portuguese (Portugus) Lego House by Misc Remixes. [Chorus] I'm out of touch, I'm out of love I'll pick you up when you're get ting down and out of all these things I've d one I think I love you b etter n ow I'm out of sight, I'm out of mind I'll do it all for you in ti me and out of all these things I've done I think I love you better now [Outro] G I'm gonna pick up the Em pieces, and D build a lego G house when D things go wrong we can Em knock it down G My three words have two Em meanings, there's D one thing on my G mind, it's D Bridge: G Fmaj7sus2 Don't hold me down Fmaj7sus2 I think the braces are breaking G And it's more than I can take Pre-Chorus C N.C. And it's dark in a cold December C9/B Am Fmaj7sus2 G But I've got you to keep me warm C And if you're broken I'll mend you C9/B And keep you sheltered from the Am Fmaj7sus2 G C Storm that's raging on now ChordCafe | . F I grow old, Will Am you buy me a G house of gold? [verse 1] g d em i'm gonna pick up the pieces, d g and build a lego house d em g when things go wrong we can knock it down g d em my three words have two meanings, d g there's one thing on my. there's one thing on my mind . JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. Chords. English ; Spanish (Espaol) Portuguese (Portugus) Lego House by Ed Sheeran. Biography: Edward Christopher "Ed" Sheeran (born 17 February 1991) is a singer songwriter currently signed under Atlantic (WMG). Ukulele. Guitar chord - Lego House transpose and easy version - Key G G F Em Cadd9 G G G F Em Cadd9 I m gonna pick up the pieces and build a lego house G G F Em Cadd9 wh. Lego House easy guitar tab, as performed by Ed Sheeran. SpongeBob SquarePants Dream SpongeBob Delicious dairy treat debut. Tabs and chords for ukulele of Lego House by Misc Remixes at PlayUkuleleNET, a 100% free source of favorite ukulele songs! Official, artist-approved easy guitar tab arrangements for beginner guitarists. [Gm Eb Bb F G] Chords for Lego House - Ed Sheeran (lyrics) with song key, BPM, capo transposer, play along with guitar, piano, ukulele & mandolin. Lego House Chords. Mmm Strings Strap Tuner Tip: Change text size by pressing A- | A+ for best experience. Intro: Bsus 2 B B F# | G#m G#m G#m E B G#m I'm gonna pick up the pieces E B And build a Lego house. Free, curated and guaranteed quality with ukulele chord diagrams, transposer and auto scroller. ChordCafe.com, copyright 2013-2022. There are NO problems with this tab. ya and keep you D sheltered from Em the storm. Tabs and chords for ukulele of lego house by ed sheeran at playukulelenet, a 100% free source of favorite ukulele songs! I'm gonna pick up the pieces, D G . Dm Queen of A#m everything you F see. And C when your father F turns to stone, Will C you take G care of C me?" F I will A7 make you. 2) Ed Sheeran.
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